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The Altar Guild meets each week to prepare the Chapel and Church for worship and Eucharist services. Involvement in this ministry includes the care of sacramental vessels, Altar frontals, linens, and vestments. In addition, the teams prepare for weddings, funerals, baptisms and seasonal services.

Weekly flowers on the altar are managed by the Altar Guild. Parishioners are encouraged to sign-up for flower dedications. Your consideration is greatly appreciated to help offset the cost. If you would like to donate flowers on a particular Sunday, please fill your name in the appropriate date on the Flower Chart, located on the bulletin board in the main hallway, or contact Sue Kennedy

The Altar Guild is made of 4 teams of 2-4 members who meet once per month. The commitment is minimal and flexible; 1 hour to set-up on Friday or Saturday morning, and 15 minutes on Sunday morning after Church. All are encouraged and welcome to join.

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